Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Arcade fire - Ready to Start

I like this music video as it is solely based around a live performance, putting the viewer inside the concert but with the range of different shots and angles. I also noticed the quick depth of field changes during the majority of the clips. Location looks as if it is based inside an opera house with lots of fan's jumping aroud, the lighting of this video is great with the quick flashes combined with the up beat music goes very well together. The whole video was shot in black and white which individalises this video and defines the crowd far easier with some parts of the mise en scene in complete darkness in contrast to the bright white sections of poeples faces.

I like this first shot as it puts the viewer in the crowd, focusing on the clapping hands. The lighting allows the solid black back ground to take up half of the shot. I feel the black background also creates a strong contrast with the spotlight shining on the body parts.

This shot is great as it allows us to see the whole band playing together in front of their fan's. With the lighting behind the band this automatically makes your eyes draw towards the light especially as it is not directly in the middle, the director has used the rule of thirds inside this shot attracting the viewers attention.

I really like the silhouettes in this shot, really putting us in the crowd, especially as it is in black and white makes this shot even better. Depth of field has been used here to make us focus on the band.

This low angle medium shot comes out great with the spot lighting. Because it is shot from a low angle it acts as if we are seeing the main singer from the front of the crowd looking up at him.

Overall the main points which I like from this video, the silhouettes in the crowd looking at the band (looking from different points of the crowd, front, middle, sides, top). The location, basic opera house, and the camera technique which creates the atmosphere as if the viewer were there. e.g unsteady shots, making them feel involved in the crowd.

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